Human Development and the Evolution of Consciousness

This class explore individual development as well as the evolution of human consciousness itself. As part of the class we read three great books Integral Psychology by Wilber (highly recommended), Changes of Mind by Wade, and The Second Half of Life by Arrien, which I composed my final project on. We studied development of individuals through the life cycle, integral psychology’s potential to deepen our understanding of psycho-spiritual development, social/global change, and higher development potentiality, among other things.

I’ve included multiple articles on our development below, as well as three pieces I composed for the class (Achievement Stage, Authentic Consciousness Freewrite, and Final Project – Arrien’s Gates).

LIfestreams - An Intro to Biosynthesis

Interpersonal World of the Infant

Waking the Body Ego   

In Over Our Heads

Achievement Stage

Authentic Consciousness Freewrite  

Final Project - Arrien's Gates

Ram Dass - Still Here  

Thumbnail photo - 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič


Body Consciousness


Paradigms of Consciousness